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Taking Care of Young Adults

Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology

My special interest in looking after Young women's and Adolescents led me to pursue an additional Fellowship in Paediatric And Adolescent Gynaecology from the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne.


For some girls, transitioning into puberty may be a challenging and  an awkward time of their life .  Besides this there are some  anatomical conditions that only become obvious only after puberty or adolescent years. I do understand that young girls  may find this phase of life difficult and can find consultations a bit hard.

I take pride in being able to offer a vast variety of investigations and treatment solutions for the following Gynaecological challenges which may be encountered in this age group:


  • Labial Fusion  ( seen in girls 6 months -6 years)

  • Vulvo Vaginitis ( common in Pre- Pubertal girls)

  • Early Puberty

  • Delayed Puberty

  • Menstrual Challenges

  • Period pain problems

  • Contraceptive counselling

  • Hirsutism/Acne 

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

  • Menstrual management in adolescents with developmental delay or complex conditions such as autism or cerebral palsy.

  • Congenital anomalies such as  MRKH or disorders of sexual differentiation such as androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS), Sywer syndrome or Turner syndrome


If your daughter is undergoing any of such symptoms, I am able to discuss and treat most of the conditions, so that during these  growing up years young women do not miss the opportunity of counselling and guidance and they are comfortable about being able to talk about their own  bodies.
It is my passion to provide the very best of care for girls and young women backed up by training and evidence based education from the Royal Children's Hospital,Melbourne.

For more information or to book an appointment, please call our reception team on Tel: (03) 9775 8025 we will be in touch to discuss your needs.

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